

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

दो बजे...

तफतीस करते हुए रात के,
दो बजे,
छत के रुखरे फर्श पे 
लेटा मैं,
छनक के गिरा जो बूँद,
तुम्हारे तकिये पे,
सुना था मैं.
शायद झूठा ख्वाब हो,
सोचूं मैं इससे पहले,
दर्द हो पड़ा सीने मैं.
वाकई में ज़ख्म था..
दो बजे, 
धूप के छिछलते,
भाप से याद आई,
तुम्हारे दाल की धीमीं नमक,
अब तो दो बूँद रो,
नमक की कमी,
दो बजे, 
पूरी होती होगी,
कभी लपेट बादल के टुकरे को,
सुखाती सर्फ़ से धोये कपडे,
इसी छत पर,
जिसपे लेटा मैं 
दो बजे,
रात में,
की महक आती थी,
वो गर्त में पड़ा,
कुछ पंखुरिया,
बरसात के बाद से ही,
मुझसे कहने को उग आई,
बनके दो बड़े पौधे, 
अब जिसकी आहट आती है 
दो बजे,
स्कूल के बसते से उनके.
निकालता मैं उनके माँ के 
नाम एक चिट्ठी,
जिसे पोस्ट करना 
हर दिन मैं भूल जाता,
क्यूंकि पता ही नहीं 
उस डाकखाने का 
जहां से खुदा ख़त उठाता,
और दो बजने से पहले मुझे मिल जाती,
दूसरी ख़त की, 
क्यूँ उसने दो बजे,
एक सुनसान रस्ते पर दिया
कुचलने उसे जो दो पौधों की
माँ थी,
और एक पेड़ की नम पानी,
जो बहता रहता इसी तरह 
हर दिन दो बजे
और हर रात दो बजे....
देवेश झा 

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sisakta lau..

शब्दों के सितारों में तलाशती दिया तुम मेरे ज़िन्दगी की,
जिसके सिसकते लौ से हथेलियों को जलाता मैं,
खामोश हूँ, लबों को तुम्हारे शब्दों पर टिका देने के बाद, 
आज आहिस्ता देखा जुल्फों के सायों को तुम्हारा,
मेरे पन्नों पे गिरा था एक लट तुम्हारा, अठखेलियाँ  करती आँखों के अंगराई से छुपकर झुकी तुम उन किताबों के आईने पे जिसपे गिरा था तुम्हारे जुल्फों का एक साया, उस बाल के टुकरे को दबा के गुलाब के पंखुरियों के नीचे, मैं रात के दिवार पे आंसुओं की पिघलती तस्वीर बनता की इससे पहले किरण आई  चांदनी की, तुम ही तो थी वो किरण, एक बेबस शायर के शेर में बसती रूह बनके...   ( देवेश झा)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Morning dew has been my tears- a maithili lyrics

                                             भोरक शीत

गायिका-  भोरक शीत बनल अछि नोर हमर,
                आबि पिया कने पीबि लिअ....

               सिमसल ठोर, आँखिक कोर लगाबू,
               सांसक शोर, नाक सटोने सुनाबू....
               केशक लट उतारि, रस स्नेहक छिनी लिअ...
               भोरक शीत बनल अछि नोर हमर,
              आबि पिया कने पीबि लिअ....

गायक- शोणित संग फूटल अछि ठोर हमर,
            आबि सजनी कोना पीबि लिअ...

         कखन छल सांझ कखन भोर भेल,
        इ धरती कखन पुलकित पोर पोर भेल,
         जुनि थिक थाह समयक,
       इ जिनगी मूनि आइंख जिबी लिअ...
       शोणित संग फूटल अछि ठोर हमर,
       आबि सजनी कोना पीबि लिअ... 

गायिका- बिन बरखा के तन भिजा- भिजा,
             भिजल चुनरी के हम उड़ा- उड़ा,
             कहलौं मिलन के विरह हमर कीनि लिअ..
             भोरक शीत बनल अछि नोर हमर,
                आबि पिया कने पीबि लिअ....

गायक-  शोणित संग फूटल अछि ठोर हमर,
           आबि सजनी कोना पीबि लिअ... 
गायिका- जेना चुम्बन लेत अछि धरती आसमां के,
गायक- जेना छू लैत अछि आइग धुंआ के,
गायक- गायिका- एक दोसर के मों में आबि घूमि लिअ..
गायिका- भोरक शीत....
गायक- शोणित संग.....
देवेश झा
copyright@ Devesh Jha
All right reserved.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

a heartache maithili lyrics by Devesh Jha

बेटी बेचैथ बेटी के  (maithili lyrics)

आन्हर पूरबा करेज सिसोह्लक, 
सुईया रखने छल झोंका में,
लगा नून जख्म में, चुभोलक !
                              दहकैत कंठ किये लहू के प्यासल,
                              जरैत मुर्दा किये उठी के नाचल?
                               भूखल बगरा प्राण गमौता,
                              टपकैत मौस आई गिद्ध के,
                              बेटी बेचैथ बेटी के !... -२ 

मंदिर में देवता हाथ दूनू जोरलक,
कलियुग पईस गंगा में मुँह धोलक!
आन्हर पूरबा करेज सिसोह्लक, 
सुईया रखने छल झोंका में,
लगा नून जख्म में, चुभोलक !

                                  ओ चाँद गगन सँ उजड़ी गेल,
                                  स्त्रिक कोखे पाप सँ भरी गेल,
                                  पुरुष सँ पुरुष ब्याह रचौता,
                                  कहू विधाता इ कुन बिद्ध छै!
                                  बेटी बेचैथ बेटी के!...-२

साँप मदिरा में फन गोतलक,
मनुखक चाम सँ बजैत ढोलक,
आन्हर पूरबा करेज सिसोह्लक, 
सुईया रखने छल झोंका में,
लगा नून जख्म में, चुभोलक !

                              नंगा नाच नचैत ऐछ रुपैया,
                           साड़ी नोचलक जखन अपने भैया,
                            बेटा पकरैत मायक झोंटा,
                        बौक भेल बापक कून जिद छै.
                       बेटी बेचैथ बेटी के!...-२
 देवेश झा
All right reserved.
Copyright@ Devesh Jha
Author of Dwelling Dew (english fiction)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Shikhar par jaana...

बुझी दीपशिखा
शिखर पर जाना,
तुम !
चाँद की आभा,

सतह से गहराई की सीमा,
नापना हो अगर तो,
मेरे आँखों में कण डाल,

लाबब भरा नैन समंदर,
तलछटी को छूए कण.
इससे पहले कण,
गल जाएगी.

शिखर से उतरो,
चाँद से पूछो,
दाग कहाँ है?

कला बन बैठा बूँद जो नैनों में,
कहीं वो तो नहीं.
शिखर पर जाना तुम,
चाँद की आभा छूना.

अवरक्त भरा मेघ,
क्षितिज पर इठलाये,
कह दो इससे सुन्दर, रक्तिम हैं मेरे नैन,
कल ही तो रक्त गिरा था,
आंसू के बदले.

अरण्य में दीपशिखा,
और धुल सनी जटा,
देखे हैं मेरे नैन.
सूर्य सना बर्फ में,
जलती चाँद कोठरी में,
कैद ये बिम्ब सारे,
नेत्र पटल पर.

शिखर पर क्या लहर है, मुझे बतलाओ.
गंध है वहाँ भी कफ़न के सूत का?
या, सिन्दूर चिपकी जो मांग में,
जला पर बना ना राख,
के कुछ अवशेष हैं?


फिर शिखर पर "तुम"
नहीं हो (मेरा अतीत),
या कोई मूर्तिमान है.
जली प्रेमिका को,
और बुझी दीपशिखा को.
देवेश झा 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

                                              शब्दों का सूरज

मेरे जाने के बाद भी ek  सुबह होगी,
raat  के गर्त से उबने की वज़ह होगी!

बूंदों में सैलाब ढूंढ़कर ओस गिरेगा,
और गुलाब तब भी मदहोश रहेगा ! 

शब्दों का काला sa  सूरज  उगेगा,
सफ़ेद बादल के फटे पन्नो पर.
अमर होकर मरती मेरी panktyiaan,
ज़हर उगलती इसकी कुछ shaktiyaan,
सिसक सिसक कर अचरज करेगा,
मुरझाये ओस से लिपटे सुमनों पर!

दिन कर gin कर अणु चुन चुन कर,
सब मरेंगे  प्रलय  से पहले!
गुदा का मांस नोच माँ पेट भरेगी,
दुग्ध विहीन स्तन अपना कैसे नोचेगी!
बधिर के कर्ण फटेंगे सुन सुन कर,
तेरी जीवन मूक रे बहरे!
मरी मेरी छंद जो पहले कहती थी,
प्रेयसी के होठ रस पान का gaan!
मेरी प्रेम की भाषा जिसमें बसती थी,
वो साहित्य त्यागेया अपना प्राण!
तब भूख से लड़ती  जिरह करेगी,
और मुर्दों में पा बिलख पड़ेगी!
अश्रु नीर से भरे संसार में न सतह होगी,
मेरे जाने के बाद भी एक सुबह होगी,
raat के गर्त से उबने की वज़ह होगी!
 दुग्ध मेखला में गंगा की परछाई नहाएगी,
बरसों से पाप पी पी कर तब उसे उबकी आएगी!
पैदा होता हर सितारा चाँद से छोटा होगा,
क्यूंकि चाँद पर बैठा इंसान सोचता होगा,
खाली धरती पर तो राख बचा है,
अब इस सितारों में क्या ख़ाक बचा है,
उसे खुदको खुद से करनी न आती फतह होगी,
मेरे जाने के बाद भी ek सुबह होगी,
raat तब भला क्या होगा, जब दिन ही न होगा,,,,,
देवेश झा.......

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

रब मेरा

                                               रब मेरा...

मन  में  तुम  हो  या  रब  मेरा ,
नैनो  के  काजल  में  गज़ब  ज़रा ,
थी  तुम  मुस्काती  या  चाँद  था ,
या  मेरा  पुराना  अरमान  था ..
छलक  जो  आई  तेरे  लब  से  लब  मेरा ,
मन  में  तुम  हो  या  रब  मेरा ,
मूंदो  ना  पलकों  को,  मैं  दब  जाता  हूँ ,
तेरे  अक्स  को  छूने  जब  जाता  हूँ ,
गिराकर  जुल्फों  को  मेरे  अश्क आज  पीने   दो ,
अपने  रब  को  आज  मेरे  सीने  में  जीने  दो ..
रो  पड़े  धड़कन  में  रब  जब  तेरा ,
तुम  जान  जाओगी  तुम्हे  चाहने  की सबब  मेरा …
मन  में  तुम  हो  या  रब  मेरा ..
देवेश  झा


Friday, February 4, 2011

Love Letter Of Fiancee- Devesh Jha

Completely thirty two days had gone, when I got a letter from postman, evening cloud had gone under the shadow of dark, artificial and giant light bulb of entire city was being burnt the blackness of environment.
And I tore packet of letter, in the age of internet and phone when I got a letter from a person, it was surprising nonsense, but I had to amazed, it was not a common letter, in sweet sugar it is love letter my psychologist fiancée has many idea to surprise me, this is it.
On the greenish and pink watermarked paper were lots of heart shaped design and many sketch of feelings made by Kangna, in the every corner, there were lips and somewhere was eye, yaa some smell of perfume too was locating and expanding. After cover and blank paper was something which make me always loveable.
 I don’t know how to write a letter even it would be for your best person of life; still I try my best,
My……… Someone…… Special….. Pankaj…..
It is the day when I am felling a thunder of missing, reaction must be showed. You have been had by something stronger than my vigour.
When I saw you firstly, I could know, you have just had a childhood, my mind had been questioned, because I was seeing a painful withdraw on your skin pore, my mind started to ask me,
Where did it come from?
What you love about it?
What do you think of?
You did do it for whom?  You must be lonely inside.
In the past life, these worms like emotions could have been your desire of love, what was your past is not necessary for me, but your present always needed me, I can guess it only.
I know for a better relationship we wants to be friend of each other, but you know only friendship is that relationship which have nothing to demand, then why we should start our journey of life with friendship only, cannot we become a lovely couple, I mean lover, it was hard step to write all these things to you, but I knew though you had agreed to marry with me, but you were missing something much, that was love of Naina, I know, I can’t be even a tiny part of Naina, but I will try my best, don’t know why I love your all those things which was existing in your life and now I want to make those things which can make exist our relationship till doomsday.
It is not in our ritual and tradition to meet to girl before the marriage but I want to meet you as a stranger girl, who will fall in love with you suddenly, I know you don’t like drama in life but for your sake and my happiness, you will have to do it.
And do not understand I am crazy, I have been prospected by all those things which either exist in love story novel or film. Think for a while if under the blue sky, a green scarf would blow and anklet rhythms make feelings to attract you, what a nice will be…
For a better impression I am trying to praise you, not so much as you are but little bit so that you could understand my madness, just a little bit.
It is better to be rush in flush of love.
For you, I have lived all these auroras with dimmed dark, with my lips sob and sober.
For you, I have lived all these night northern windless snuff of storm, with my unshed tears; I flee into whirlpool of your shy sight for losing everything of me in you.
But in my hearts the flames of love, have always been burning for you, only for you, volcanic eruption poured ash but this carbon of eye never pledged without your darkness of shadow.
Life has brought me a volume of old times, in which I search the page of us, word for us and epic for us.
And I am surrounded by countless memories, either memory makes me to remind you or I make my whole day and night a memory which can be my life.
Unasked I have now found all the answer I sought, even question for fate is not wondering that’s I have found you.
Look what I yearned for and what I got, it was tremendous boon perhaps my erotica of soul.
But in my heart the flames of love always say to you just come closer than my soul is in heart.
How can I describe the cruelty of this world, still I love this, it’s gifted you to me.   
I was ordered that I have to live but without you, nobody can survive without sang-froid of hearts.
Unwise are those who say that to me you are unknown, untrue are all natural phenomenon which cause absence of you.
So many ordeals were heaped on me by this world; still I want to live in this world because you too are in this.
Come every day to me turn the night into a day, turn pale cheek into blush, on the sly under the sheet of night, blue grey sky under the roof of pal, where even the moon cannot approach, cloud cannot echoed, milky-way cannot cross my sash, let us go behind the black cloud, besides the heaven. Where every drops pine… every drop is in turmoil, every smooth touch of you, every taste of tongue is in snuggling. Where time stops still. Where ray jams even then sunshine becomes peevish to touch us. Give us a hug under the sheet of the night. Give us a kiss into warmth of body, in the warmth of winter’s sunshine, look at me with lowered eyes. Autumn’s all acquaint wish near of leaflet wish to remain in spring.
From behind, your hand blows hot and cold. Ever so softly in the raag Marva, as guitar wire cause tone for universal clank, which is celestial.
Let not the day set or the night fall, let not on the spring down or rains come, Let not the sun set, let not the half-moon shiver,  And if it does, let not the morning break, let not the moonlit reaching out aback my chunni.
Let the night go on and on, let not the evening come and soon come, Lying to friends in somebody else’s name about you and me all through the night, you are away too long, your yonder are when wee of we met, turn to huge, for hug, but it wasn’t possible still I sat on your opposite side, so that wind from you could kiss my ringlet and nose. It is so difficult to just sign and be contented. It is so easy to remind you underneath my eyelid, mid of nose nook and on lip code.
When will the separation end?
Without you, this wind from the east seems silly it rushed into my scarf. Without you this hubbub of twinkling stars seems stupid runner, don’t ask about dream, it is drear until your footstep clutch it.
You also come and embrace me like this wind, someday.
You also go and return as day go and night come, someday night go still evening come, candle light dinner in early morning, because I would be in your lap under bed-sheet waiting for coffee but you will organize romantic dinner, to taste the lips in burning body as candle in candle-light dinner, music would be our breaths and sounds of silly-willy touch will song of romance.
If I can’t sleep tomorrow, call me to you. Keep my head and sing a lullaby. If I can’t woke up, necked me, feel my breath through your breath by joining of our nose, and just say- good morning even though that would be midnight or day still good morning.
How was that, really so bad, didn’t it?
                                                  Your Kangna….
The things which made me crazy about this letter was her attention about our relationship, I was smiling continuously, when you have reason to be happy rather should dance, I did.
Author--- DEVESH JHA..

Friday, January 7, 2011

Broken Umbrella- Devesh Jha

“Where is your umbrella?” Naina, the blue eye, round nose-nostril whistle; yoga of breaths, a clank of guitar (only I can find this musical lower- upper- middle note, I always notice her breaths, and makes a new tempo, imaginary) pink and whitish brown mix blush face, blossoming out brightness, confident, and much pretty, the violet skirt, black and half cut ringlet, silky and smooth hairs- at present this is wetted, due to rain, would happened for the break the school session, I prayed for it. In the school dress, a worthy bag on the mild shoulder, happened tight and flat ribbon, gravitational law of Newton, can easy to weight of books and her hair pin pouch, a tiny bindi but ever a noon she use it because in the class ninth- no allowed cosmetics more, still Naina had no needs of external decoration, the innocent, the cute and don’t know what a rounding- rounding thins, see her with a long glimpse, automatically a glow appeared back of her shadow- just like something smell, a power which attract you, even I followed many times her shadow’s magic, but I kept secret it, I am the monitor of class and best student of my school, you can say according to my head master I am better among all school of this area, but he said it when, I was not there.

“Umbrella..! I have to go soon; some guest is coming, today.” Again she shouted but class was empty, only sound echoed, I was staring her shadow out side, in the rain drops, her loud waved into my ear and I acted nervous, and as I was lost and just return here.

“Dense cloud...! Surge stranger cloud caravan going here where.” I damped my vision, although I am 13 years a brilliant boy, I like science and math, but something philosophy always moves in my big head, root under small- small hair, I had to round my eye towards Naina, she was filled up by rainy water, she would have tried to go without umbrella, but she can’t. She gazed and squeezed upper lips by lower, she has been in angry.

“Heavy rain is pre decided why you didn’t bring your own umbrella.” I packed my bag and stood up, slowly- slowly all students has gone, only few of teachers, and peon was in the office.

“You mean, you can’t give your dirty umbrella, you are showing.” She turned back, and steeped with loud foot steps.

I ran. “Stop... Stop! Don’t be so angry, otherwise, rain drops would be evaporated, as tea... aha!” I spoke and made silence, so that I can repair my umbrella, two or three minute, 6-7 push is requirement for open once to the my old umbrella cum mesh. She again forced to break her Colgate teeth, girls has more unusual habit, especially aggressiveness without any topic.

“Shut up..!” Naina voiced. “Pankaj...!”

“Can you write an essay upon our high school?” I asked myself, when I see the big ground, grass, football pole and wall all around my school. Grew in to mysterious, merry she, likes me or my umbrella- then why she wait only for my umbrella, many student has, even her best friend Aanchal has rainbow umbrella, thought of me, even though growing and leasing rapidly, she defined.

“What do you think? Lets move now, I am hungry too.” Her wrinkled palm hold my umbrella, and I covered my head with my shirts, because I didn’t think, I should offer to go in one umbrella, people can think anything, and I had my bicycle, I can go in the rain, with fast paddle. I took out polythene and kept my book bag in this, I stepped to bicycle stand. “Go!” I said, she moved.

After receiving the cycle, when I returned at the grill gate, I saw, Naina was there, as she is waiting.

I get off from cycle and asked, “Why you not going?”

She shouted, “Foolish, there is dark, dense of cloud, heavy rain, horrible sound, nothing is being visible, and I will have to cover more than kilometre distance, lonely.... I fear to walk in this situation, I can’t go alone, nobody is seeing to me. See the road, dreary...” in the rain her loud but sweet anger voiced absolved in the rain’s sound. I laughed, “Then what to do?”

“Let’s go with me!”

“If anybody could see us in the rain, alone..!”

“Hey! Nobody is here and what you say, you are my friend, and if I am walking with you is not a crime.”

I laughed and came close to her. The water was being collected in ground, road, seen like that model of flood, but black coal tar on the road was visible. We started to walk. Both of us uniform have been slightly discoloured due to heavy shower of rain.

She said, “What is in Tiffin box is it empty?”

Today lunch hour couldn’t happen, so lunch was packed.


“What you brought?”

“You can’t like?”

“Tell me, I like you... r lunch. I am hungry too.”

“Drama queen, its roasted gram only, with lemon spice.”

We were walking in the rain, between us there was my bicycle, and she was trying to cover my head too in one umbrella, she put out her sleepers in my bicycle handle, and I also.

She whisperd again, “I am hungry.” And she holds her ringlet with middle finger and kept it on the ear, some tiny and mild hair beside her temple was smooth and dry, I gazed that.

I took out my Tiffin box and hand over to her. My both hand was busy to clutch the handle, we stopped, and she opened the lid of box, while she kept umbrella’s stick between shoulder and her temple, by nodding her head, I could she her tiny and dry hair of temple also had too be wetted. She hold umbrella again in her palm and the box opened; one hand, she started to eat roasted gram; another hand, and whenever she took one or two gram in her mouth again she offered a lots gram to me, she was fedding me. Half of distance Naina said, I am tired now, I can’t walk.

“Your guest and parents would be waiting, lets go in fast.”

She rounded her mathematical shaped head all around, and without any sign just suddenly sat on the road, I had to shock and annoyed. “Shit! Hey Naina, what you are doing?”

“I am tired now, I can’t walk.”

“Then I am going. “ I warned her and sat on my bicycle seat.

She suggested, “Can I sit the back seat of you bicycle?”

“I can’t load, you can be injured, and the road has been shallow, tyre can slip.”

“I am ready to be injured, have you any problem?”

“Sit!” I annoyed.

Now we both were on the one bicycle, under one umbrella, rain was same, but distance was not enough, I was in confuse, I should run in fast or slow, what Naina wants, what I should do, I had silenced, but her one hand on my shoulder convoluted me, suddenly I lost balance to handle of the cycle, one dig had caused, we both fallen down, out side the road, in the mud.

Naina yelped, “Oh my God!”

I ran to her and gave my hand so that she could stand up, but she started to laugh and laugh with a guffaw, I could only see her.

Our umbrella has been broken; I took that and stared to laugh.

Now Naina’s father was coming with an umbrella, I saw him, when he was so far from us, I was sure though I had seen him, but he wouldn’t. In a haste I spoke, “Naina, your Papa is coming, and I am going.” I paddled with speed of a jet plane to my bicycle and went towards my village, my school is near urban little town of my village, distance would be more than five or six kilometre, but Naina was in this little town, a good and rich man’s daughter. But don’t know why, I don’t like him. The rain, the mud, my turned handle of my bicycle, and my empty lunch box, broken umbrella was saying something about Naina.

This Part is taken From My Next Novel Someone Special....

Your suggestion will help me to write a good story...

Devesh Jha